Token1NFT Mining Token
(hidden9 token)
HIDDEN9 Token is only available through HIDDEN9 NFT Mining. It has expiration date. After the expiration date, holders can get through new NFT through minting or purchase from existing NFT holders as Mining. It is the core coin of HIDDEN9 Project.
Token2Move to Earn DAPP
Mining Token
Token Mining through Move to Earn DAPP(hidden9 fit token will be issued before launching of Move to Earn DAPP Beta version)
Total quantity: 10 billion (with half-life)
*Details will be posted in 2023 1Q~ on ‘hidden9 official website and ‘Move to Earn DAPP official website’
Token3Staking Compensation
As Move to Earn DAPP mining token (hidden9 fit token), receive mined Token as the compensation of staking at the Hidden9 Website(hidden9 R token)
Total quantity: 10 billion (with half-life)
*Details will be posted in 2023 1Q~ on ‘hidden9 official website and ‘Move to Earn DAPP official website’
HIDDEN9 NFT Mining을 통한 HIDDEN9 Token.
유효기간이 존재하므로 유효기간이 지나면 NFT를 민팅받거나 기존 NFT소유자에게 재구매를 해야 Mining 가능.
Move to Earn DAPP 채굴 토큰(가칭 hidden9 fit token)
총 발행량 100억개(반감기 존재)
Move to Earn DAPP 채굴 토큰(가칭 hidden9 fit token)으로 채굴한 토큰을 히든나인 웹사이트에서 스테이킹해서 보상으로 받는 토큰(가칭 hidden9 R token)
총 발행량 100억개(반감기 존재.)
Coming soon
HIDDEN9 NFT Holder Benefit
NFT Shoes(rental mode), to be used in HIDDEN9 'Move to Earn' DAPP, can only be minted by HIDDEN9 NFT Holder. In other words, general users are out of scope for the shoes rent, and the shoes can be available via Shoes NFT minting and repurchasing.
HIDDEN9 'Move to Earn' DAPP Feature
1. No User Shoes NFT Breeding function.
2. 2-year expiration date for Shoes NFT. Existing holders may level-up in 2 years without new influx or re-purchase Shoes NFT for hidden9 fit token mining.
3. For level-up, all of above 3 tokens are required. Mining available by selecting Token 2, Token 3 above Level 40. Max. level : 50. Starting at Lv. 1 with Energy 10 (1 energy = 1 minute), additional 2 energy and 1% mining for each level-up
4. NFT Shoes(rental mode), to be used in HIDDEN9 'Move to Earn' DAPP, can only be minted by HIDDEN9 NFT Holder. In other words, general users are out of scope for the shoes rent, and the shoes can be available via Shoes NFT minting and repurchasing.
5. The dapp will be available for regular user via rental mode without nft purchase.
*Details will be posted in 2023 1Q~ on ‘hidden9 official website and ‘Move to Earn DAPP official website’
HIDDEN9 Token Economy Feature
Mining Token is the core token of HIDDEN9 NFT.
HIDDEN9 Token will be used mainly for many purposes in DAPP related to HIDDEN9 project in the future.
HIDDEN9 'Move to Earn' DAPP, soon to be released, is not simply a Ponzi-type DAPP that maintains the value of tokens only when new users increase,
but also requires all of the above 1, 2, 3 tokens to level up, and the token economy works so that existing users can rejoin.
In addition, HIDDEN9 NFT Holders will receive another benefit by enabling Shoes Rental in ‘HIDDEN9 'Move to Earn' DAPP’.
hHidden9 fit token will be supplied to consumers who need it for level-up by simply selling it speculatively after Mining,
and receiving hidden9 R Token for level-up through staking rather than useless tokens after buying.
Users need these three tokens to continue Mining of HIDDEN9 'Move to Earn' DAPP.
We also expect that this will be a DAPP that can grow for a longer time, and it will be a great help for USER's HEALTH.
In other words, we hope that a virtuous cycle will create a healthy DAPP, and the token economy will help it work that way.
We hope that HIDDEN9 will be used to promote true health and form healthy exercise habits through "HIDDEN9 'Move to Earn' DAPP",
not just for speculation and investment through Token and DAPP.
*Details will be posted in 2023 1Q~ on ‘hidden9 official website and ‘Move to Earn DAPP official website’.